Monday, June 21, 2010


Recently,a dear friend of mine asked me to keep hope and faith alive in every situation.Earlier i used to loose hope very easily.I have learnt that a hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life.It is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.
In a religious context, it is not considered as a physical emotion but as a spiritual grace. Hope is distinct from positive thinking, which refers to a therapeutic or systematic process used in psychology for reversing pessimism. The term false hope refers to a hope based entirely around a fantasy or an extremely unlikely outcome.Right now i m in confused state of mind thinking if sumone keeps sum expectations from sumone close and not even 1% is fulfilled,is it still good to keep hoping that it would be fulfilled one day.In today's world where everybody's life is busy, is it not a false hope to keep expecting?

I'm just so confused...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The identity that is me is yet to be written in every person with whom I will meet.Those who have met me each have different versions of who I am.This is the existence that was me when I once graced their lives with my presence but yes some things end if it was meant to end so as to instigate the person to move on and step into a more higher stand point in life or simply, to be with someone more deserving.Ironically, some things also end to give birth to a more in depth understanding and or a more intense inter collaboration of the relationship- whatever it may be.
I thank those people who have stayed with me ever since because, in this point in time, i thank them all for their companionship which they have unselfishly given unto me. They are now my treasures, my friends.To those who have left me in defeat- befallen unto the grounds of those who have failed, I also thank them for I will never be who the person I am today if without their exasperating and excruciating torment which all have inevitably polished me to become the person I am today.
I do believe that the way people react to you will change depending on how you interact with them.And depending on how people will respect your presence, will also determine how you would respect them back.I guess the old proverb; "an eye for an eye , a tooth for a tooth" still holds true to its use here in this fast evolving physical-spiritual-materialistic actuality.
My past is but old pages of some book long forgotten and yet, images still haunt me both joyful and sad. Yet I go on writing more about who I am. Becoming the better version of me.
I am not looking for anyone specifically or looking for someone as if i am looking through a brochure for some specific person who would fit into a form of standard or stereotype.I do believe everyone has the capacity or the possibility to become what one wants, it is a choice one makes, and the resulting people who will gravitate towards them is due because of their choices and how they express, project and see and define themselves as.
I am also not looking or wanting a specific relationship as if it was some script coming from a theatrical play or radio drama and or from the cliche and very predictable melodramas of the television soap operas because based on the impression/s of my past, a meaningful fusion in this journey we call life, only needs the simplest things: sincerity and, trust and everything after it will be possible, it does not have to be scripted.The more unexpected it is, the more exciting it will be.
So basically, i am welcome for friendship with anyone as long as you are true.Im not looking for leatherettes, im looking for real skin.
If ever there will become a idiosyncratic partnership be it through the communication here in the net or through meeting and sharing thoughts in the real world, then it will all just depend on how both individuals will handle the relationship to make it unimportant and or a sublime one. And along the way, never forgetting a transparent communication.
We meet people and they either become our friends and or our enemies or just strangers we encounter and pass.So therefore, I cannot put who and what I am looking for in the people I will hopefully meet here since because, each of them will communicate with me differently based on how they perceive the person that is me and also the ones like me and, each of their approach will also have different outcomes based on how I would react to what kind of impulse and or stimuli they have given me.
Hopeful of friendship since most of the time, in the real physical existence we all walk on to when we try to meet people, they automatically and subconsciously base and judge the person by their outside physicality and structure never re-evaluating their approach of knowing what could hold more significance within the person.This is why technology is such a blessing though sometimes it may be a curse because of the vast distances it makes us forget of but, it gives us the chance to contemplate before we say or type, it also takes the illusion of the eye we all befall into when we are immediately acquainted physically to the person since with this technological blessing, we indulge into a more in-depth communication in the form of writing thereby knowing more of the person within....
As the friendship progresses more vividly like a painting slowly becoming into the vision of the ARTIST.
So i ask you... are you willing to draw my existence in your heart???