Sunday, March 14, 2010


There is perhaps no human being on this planet who does only good things without commiting any sins.We all err,and the tounge is most of the times a culprit.Although the horse has great strength,it has no understanding;so it must be harnessed with bits and briddle to make him obey according to the will of a rider.
similarly,the tounge is a small part of human body,but its power and influence for the good or bad is amazingly greater then its size.It is like a small lighted match stick which lights big fires.
every kind of beasts ,birds or creature of the sea and earth has been tamed by mankind,but no man can tame the false,deceitful,and perverse tounge that works like the piercing of the sword.It is unruly evil,full of deadly poison.At one end,the tounge blesses the lord god and at the other end it curses the men who has been made in the image of the god.From the same mouth comes blessings as well as curse.
So the tounge should be tamed.We should teach our children to speak gracious words fm very beginning.We must realise that the harsh and nasty remarks result in problems and creates differences and fights.
One must seek to be at peace with others preferring them to yourself.Discard any attitude or practice that hinders the tounge for speaking kind ,merciful, and polite words.It is only through a sustained daily effort that one can apply elgant words in life.
The Bible says"Pleasant words are llike honey comb,sweetness to the soul and health to the bones."
So be careful in what you say,measure everyword .Donot speak unless it is necessary.
The person who is humble and slow in anger is better than the mighty man of anger.One who speaks politely and sweetly is loved and appretiated by everybody.Dont' you want to be such a person?

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